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Frequently Asked Questions
Your guide to the most important questions and answers
All compromised data that we already store in our system is available to you absolutely free of charge after registration. Additionally, we offer a free 30-day trial so you can evaluate the service. Simply verify ownership of the email or domain to access the detailed results.
Firstly, unlike others, we process data not only from public sources but also from private data sources, including private Dark Web marketplaces and private Telegram chats. Secondly, our speed sets us apart. We work directly with Dark Web resources, allowing us to update new compromised data within minutes, while competitors might take hours or even days.
Yes, you can. As part of our social responsibility, we provide services absolutely free of charge for individuals. We are also happy to onboard, free-of-charge, organizations that support human rights, environmental causes, or essential services such as hospitals, schools, and fire departments that can’t afford to pay for our services.
You can check how many records there are in the database for any domain or email you want. However, to see the data itself, you must verify ownership of the domain or email, or prove authorization.
It’s a legal requirement to protect privacy and sensitive information.
We receive the data from the same databases where cyber criminals search for their next target. We don’t verify the data ourselves; we provide it to you exactly as we receive it. To ensure fairness, we charge a monthly fee rather than based on the number of records we provide.
We provide data obtained from non-public sources—the same sources that cyber criminals use to attack companies worldwide. We alert you so you can act quickly to mitigate potential threats.
We are happy to partner. Please contact us via email, phone, or LinkedIn to discuss partnership opportunities.