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Interested in reselling ParanoidLab’s solutions or integrating them into your services? Please contact us!
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Enhanced Service Offerings
Provide your clients real-time alerts and comprehensive protection against threats from Initial Access Brokers and Infostealers
Revenue Growth Opportunities
Expand your revenue streams and Attract new clients by offering unique, high-value cybersecurity services
Strengthen Client Trust and Compliance
Demonstrate your commitment to protecting clients, partners and employee’s data from cyber attacks
Two Type of Partners

MSP / MSSP / Pentesters

Partner with us to help your customers and grow your business with easy-to-manage cybersecurity solutions. Integrate our proprietary data via API to enhance password and credential checks in any application.


Add a profitable, easy-to-sell solution to your sales portfolio. Use ParanoidLab to address the significant problem of compromised credentials, easing fears and protecting customers.
Become a Partner
Whether you're interested in reselling our cybersecurity solutions or integrating them into your existing services, we are here to help. Contact us via email, phone, or LinkedIn to discuss partnership opportunities
Contact Us
Why are Credentials Monitoring and Dark Web Monitoring important?
Some numbers that matter


Over 80% of hacking-related breaches involve using lost or stolen credentials

200+ Billion Records

ParanoidLab maintains an extensive database of over 200 billion records, with 50 million records continuously updated daily

5 Minutes

On average, ParanoidLab alerts businesses within 5 minutes after compromised data becomes available on the Dark Web

70% Reduction

Businesses using proactive Dark Web monitoring have reported a reduction in ransomware incidents by up to 70%

10x Improvement

Substantial increase in identifying potential breaches before they occur

$2.5 Million

Companies can save $2.5 million on average through early detection and mitigation strategies.
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2093 Philadelphia Pike #8404
Claymont, Delaware 19703
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